Sizes: 4.25 x 5.5 (Vertical) & 5.5 x 4.25 (Horizontal)
Blue or Green Background
Also Available
EMR blank sheets 8.5" x 11"
Tamper-resistant laser sheets
Includes FL and GA requirements where applicable
"VOID" becomes visible discouraging unauthorized copying or scanning
Artificial Watermark on the reverse side cannot be copied and can only be seen at an angle
Chemical Reactive Paper provides evidence of chemical alteration attempts
Micro-printing displays a microscopic message that fills in to form a solid line when digitally scanned or copied
Providers Affected
All physicians, practitioners, and other providers who
prescribe Medicaid outpatient drugs, including over-the-counter drugs,
in states that reimburse for prescriptions.
Pharmacists and pharmacy staff especially should be aware of this requirement as it may affect reimbursement for prescriptions.
Applicable regardless of whether Medicaid is the primary or secondary payer of prescriptions being filled